Surround Yourself…

advice and encouragement

This is a quote from Dave Ramsey who is the author of Financial Peace University and is a major force in learning how to get and live debt free. He is a guru in the financial field. But it’s tough love and not for the faint of heart…along with Gail Vaz-Oxlade, they are two of the best resources for applicable financial (and many life) lessons.

I find this quote so applicable to life in general. Have you ever had the experience of being in a great mood, then after spending time with “happiness suckers” feeling dragged down and tired. I’m still trying to find a way to be stronger than those people. Sometimes it’s easy – you just don’t hang around them. Other times it may be co-workers, family members or other people who you can’t avoid spending time with.

I think this is one of the reasons that I love exercise classes. More often than not you are with a group of like-minded people, and if you have a regular group you build relationships that encourage and support one another. You see each other grow and can support each other as you reach new physical, and often emotional, heights. You become accountable to one another when you haven’t shown up in a while. And possibly one of the greatest motivators is increasing the “happiness” factor! Exercise may wear you down and tire you out, but I have never met a person who wasn’t in a better mood post-workout then before they started.

If you aren’t finding that in your group class – branch out. See what other opportunities there are out there. Try a new exercise modality, join a running group, karate dojo, tai chi class, boot camp… The opportunities are there and they are worth it!

A Little Detoxification Information!


So many people are unaware of the role their skin plays in detoxification. It is an outward reflection of what we put into our bodies. It’s also often a reflection of the stressors we are experiencing.

The lymph system has no pumping system to help it! You need to move your body to help the lymph nodes do their job and cleanse the body. This was one of the most interesting and alarming facts I discovered in my nutritional studies.

Let’s help our bodies to take care of us. We change the oil in our vehicles, make sure our furnaces are serviced for optimal functionality. Let’s treat our bodies with at least as much respect.

Heading to the farm!

I’m so excited that you’re going to get a two-part post because I can’t wait until tonight. I’m off to Devon Acres farm to purchase a share in their CSA. Lovely farm fresh, organically grown veggies for the rest of the summer! Hoping the kids will grow to love them more when the see how vegetables are supposed to taste!

I’ll be back to update with more details and maybe even pictures before long!

Breakfast of a Wannabe Champion


This is how I’m starting my morning (well after my hot water and lemon) how about you? Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. For me it also sets the tone for my day. If I have started off well with a hearty nutritious breakfast than I, personally, am more likely to be successful. If I start the morning with a muffin or Danish, even a bowl of cereal, I’m heading for a horrible day. Mood wise, energy wise and I know that most of my choices to follow will be crappy as well.

I hear some people complain they can’t eat first thing in the morning. Breakfast literally means to “break the fast”  if you aren’t hungry within an hour of waking, odds are you’ve eaten too close to bed time. Sometimes I will push past that hour. It will usually be in regards to a scheduled workout time but that’s a personal choice and I know how my body reacts to different foods around different types of exercise. I’ll be touching on that later this week.

For now, here’s a bit of advice. Start your day with a big glass of water and/or a hot water with lemon. Your body has been working hard while you sleep to detoxify so let’s help it out by flushing the system. The lemon and hot water are a great way to support your liver function. Give yourself an hour before hitting the caffeine, and try to go black! There is evidence leaning towards black coffee helping boost metabolism and athletic performance. If you don’t drink coffee-don’t start! But if you do, try to ditch the sugar and dairy.

Here’s hoping you all find a way to Get Movin today!

Happy June!

This morning my oldest daughter came to me and said, “I don’t know what it is about a new month, but I just love when I have a fresh calendar page!”. What can I say, the girl comes by it honestly. As I’ve talked about in the past I love the opportunity that a new month brings. Awhile back I recommended picking one thing to focus on each month. You can refresh your memory, or check it out for the first time in this post here.

For June I am focusing on planning and actually scheduling my workouts. As I’ve mentioned before I work shifts and now that I’m back to commuting my time is even more precious. I have big plans for the month of July so between that and life getting away from me some days, it is extra important that I make a plan. I was reviewing the goals I had set in a past post and things have been adjusted a little. But that needs to be part of our life. We have to be flexible and open to change, as long as that change isn’t one that completely derails us from a long-term plan.

Here is a picture of my calendar. Nothing fancy, it is written in pencil. I have my scheduled shifts written (the “D” and “N”s) and I’ve used Get Movin’s schedule for the next 8 weeks and picked the classes that best suit my schedule. I’ve also included my runs and TRX workouts.


It’s written in pencil because on some days there are two options. With overtime shifts that pop up I have to be able to change things sometimes. For example – I can run on the treadmill at work and bring my TRX so those are an option depending on the workout I may miss. I also am being very conscious of my sleep requirements. There may be days when my “wellness” routine is actually sleeping instead of a workout. I work 14 hour night shifts with a 2+ hour round trip commute. Four of those in a row, means that my body can get fairly run down. I’ve suffered burn out before – without knowing it until it was in my rearview mirror. Now I know the signs and how to avoid it, and I will at all costs. It doesn’t mean it can’t happen. Just that I am more conscious of how I need to take care of myself. And what was it G.I. Joe always said: “Knowing is half the battle!”

I’ll also be planning our families meals for the month. Even more focused will be my own. We’ll be having our family sit-down tomorrow to discuss the month ahead. Perhaps I’ll share that later in the week!

Think about incorporating one simple thing into your month. Increasing your water, if you haven’t already done that. Checking out the seasonal fruits and veggies that will be starting to appear before long. Getting out and walking a new trail or going for a bike ride. Picking up a sketch book and pencil and sketching the flowers you find. There is nothing like drawing nature to make you focus on all the intricacies and fine details you will often miss in a hurried day.

Enjoy the sunshine and summer evenings that are here to stay….at least for a while!